At GATE, giving back to the community has always been a part of our culture. In 2008, we formed the GATE Foundation to formalize our community philanthropy process with a mission of supporting the efforts and services that nurture and protect the well-being of “Family and Community.” We are proud of this philanthropic arm of our company and how it has continued our decades of giving to and serving the communities we serve.
GATE In The Community
Giving Back To Our Community

The GATE Foundation raises $270,000 to benefit Child Cancer Fund
The GATE Foundation, the philanthropicaffiliate of GATE Petroleum Company, raised $270,000 to benefit Child Cancer Fund at its annual charity golf tournament. Monies were raised through fundraising activities at a dinner event as well as sponsorships and registrations for the… Continue Reading

The GATE Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Jacksonville-based GATE Petroleum Company, and GATE customers raised $50,000 for the American Lung Association. Funds were collected in coin boxes located at the registers of all GATE locations in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina… Continue Reading

The GATE Foundation Annual Charity Golf Tournament Raises $215,000 for Camp Boggy Creek
The GATE Foundation raised $215,000 to benefit Camp Boggy Creek at its annual charity golf tournament. Monies were raised through fundraising activities at a dinner event as well as via sponsorships and registrations for the 300 player golf tournament. The… Continue Reading

The GATE Foundation and GATE customers raised $48,000 for The Foundation of Community Hospice & Palliative Care, Heart of Hospice, Hospice of Savannah and Hospice & Palliative Care. Funds were collected in coin boxes at the registers of all GATE… Continue Reading

GATE Petroleum Company, and GATE customers raised $35,000 for the American Red Cross. Funds were raised in GATE convenience stores in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina through the company’s semi-annual paper icon campaign. Customers could donate $1.00 and… Continue Reading

GATE Foundation Raises $50,000 for American Foundation For Suicide Prevention
GATE customers raised $50,000 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). Funds were collected in coin boxes at the registers of all GATE locations in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Funding will be allocated to AFSP chapters… Continue Reading

GATE Annual Charity Golf Tournament Raises $180,000 for St. Johns County Council on Aging
The GATE Foundation, the philanthropic affiliate of GATE Petroleum Company, raised $180,000 to benefit the St. Johns County Council on Aging (COA) at its Annual Charity Golf Tournament. The tournament was held at the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club, and… Continue Reading

GATE Raises $40,000 to support Down Syndrome Awareness Month
GATE customers raised $40,000 in support of Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Funds were raised in GATE convenience stores in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina through the company’s “Buddy for a Buck” paper icon campaign. Customers could donate $1.00… Continue Reading

GATE raises $30,000 for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
GATE Customers along with The Gate Foundation raised $30,000 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Funds were raised in GATE convenience stores in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina through the company’s semi-annual paper icon campaign.

GATE coin box campaign raises $55,000 for K9s For Warriors
GATE customers raised $55,000 for K9s For Warriors. Customers could round up the total of their purchase to the nearest dollar in support of K9s For Warriors. They could also donate through coin collection boxes at the registers of all… Continue Reading

GATE Coin Box, Charity Round-up Campaign Raises $55,000 for PAL
Gate Petroleum and their customers proudly raised $55,000 for the Police Athletic League (PAL) of Jacksonville through a six month coin box and round-up campaign. Customers could drop their coins in boxes placed at registers or choose to round up… Continue Reading
GATE Stores Raise $65,000 for American Cancer Society
Gate presented the American Cancer Society with a $65,000 donation to support breast cancer research and awareness. Funds were raised in GATE stores across FL, GA, NC and SC as part of GATE’s pink ribbon paper icon campaign. Customers either… Continue Reading

GATE Annual Charity Golf Tournament Raises $170,00 for Firefighters for Families
GATE presented a check for $170,000 to St. John’s County Firefighters for Families. Funds were raised during their annual charity golf tournament held in October. This charity supports families in need who reside in St. Johns County, Florida and promotes… Continue Reading
GATE Coin Box Charity Round-Up raises $45,000 for Ronald McDonald House
GATE customers raised $45,000 for Ronald McDonald House (RMH) Charities. Funds were raised as part of GATE’s coin box campaign and charity round-up option. Coin collection boxes were placed at the registers of all GATE stores across Florida, Georgia, North… Continue Reading
GATE customers raised $80,000 for the Tom Coughlin Jay Fund. Supporting the Jay Fund was special to GATE store manager Brittany Lee. Her daughter, Rylie, battled cancer and their family received support from the Jay Fund during her treatment.

In 1985, GATE become a major sponsor of the Jacksonville River Run, the US National Championship 15K and in 1993, became the Title Sponsor which renamed the event the GATE River Run. Each year, the race attracts more than 20,000 elite and recreational runners from around the world to conquer the “green monster”; the nickname for the Hart Bridge that tests your true strength at mile 8 of the race. In partnership with 1st Place Sports, GATE holds a logo design contest for each year’s logo. The winner receives $2,000 with second and third place receiving $250. The winning design is used as the logo, t-shirt design and medal. We are proud to sponsor this exciting event for not only our community but for runners everywhere.